Coins and Paper Money June 15, 2023

Coins and Paper Money June 15, 2023

This auction will be run as an online only live auction (no in person bidding). The first item will begin ending at 12:00 pm on June 15, 2023 and will proceed until the final item has concluded.

Storage Policy: Each item not picked up by end of day Friday of the week following an auction will be subject to a $5.00 fee for storage up to 30 days. Note that this service is not offered for shelf lots, container lots, or outside lots. Fee is PER item, meaning 5 items will equate to a $25.00 storage charge. Your credit card on file will be billed the Monday following an auction for any storage fees accrued. Items still in our possession at the end of 30 days will be automatically re-consigned by the buyer.


2017 Dudley Corners Road, Crumpton, Maryland 21628
Preview Starts and Ends